Gifts for Him & Her | BOX & TALE
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Gifts for Him & Her

Hi guys!

Do you have a significant other? Eh sama dong, aku juga belum punya significant other, huhu :”

Anyways. If you have a significant other, yuk coba bayangkan mereka dalam pikiran kita sekarang. Atau kalau belum ada, try picturing a good friend of yours from the opposite gender? Do they come to your mind now? 


Chances are you’ve built meaningful relationships with them to the point that you consider them super extra special and easily popped into your head! Those are the relationships worth keeping, so keep up the awesome job!


Nah, let’s say hari bahagia mereka semakin mendekat, misalnya seperti hari ulang tahun, wisuda, atau anniversary, mungkin teman-teman memiliki ide untuk memberikan kado. But what do I give them? What are the best gifts for men, and what are the best gifts for women? But before we jump right in, a little disclaimer. Gift ideas yang kami tulis ini adalah gifts yang dianggap secara tradisional lebih fit diberikan kepada either pria atau wanita, namun bukan berarti gifts for men ini tidak boleh diberikan kepada wanita, dan begitu sebaliknya yaaa. In the end, you know best what to give to your besties! 

Let’s start with gift boxes for her, shall we? Some traditional gifts for her are beauty accessories for the sake of self-expression, like Avery earrings, Ciel necklace, Moissanite Stacking Rings, atau bahkan mempercantik jari dengan press-on nails by Gemmi Thrifty? Selain itu, karena secara tradisional wanita memiliki rambut yang lebih panjang daripada pria, bagaimana dengan aksesoris rambut seperti Avery scrunchies dan hair pin? Make up & personal care is also a good idea, just make sure you know what she wants!

What about the men? What are the best gift boxes for him? Any guy would appreciate a hair care product such as a hair clay or a pomade.. Unless he’s balding, then it’d be offensive. How about a tie that he can use on multiple occasions? Beberapa pria juga senang mengenakan aksesoris, seperti bracelet by Sign. Last but not least, a leather wallet and card holder by xavier is a good idea as well!

Let’s jump to some gender-neutral gifts! Office & stationery would be useful, seperti notebook dan alat tulis. Saluran pereda stress juga sangat bisa diberikan, seperti melukis paint by numbers, permainan kartu dari Main Tentang Kita, dan all black playing cards. Some household items are a great choice too, such as coffee grinder, glass cafetiere, matte black moka pot, mini french press, spoon, mugs, cutlery set, tea infuser, dll. Finally, daily essentials seperti pouch, cutlery set, cloth mask, and meal boxes are fine choices.

Box and Tale pengen tahu nih, kira-kira kado apalagi sih yang menurut teman-teman cocok buat pria atau wanita? Kado apalagi yang lebih gender neutral? Yuk boleh banget teman-teman berbagi ide ke DM Instagram @Boxandtale ( ). We love to hear from you!